
It’s as simple as trying

We understand that everyone is different.

At Simply Sports, we provide an equal opportunity for any person with a disability to improve their quality of life through exercise and physical activity.

By taking the time to understand someone’s unique challenges and personalizing activities to their abilities, we hope to build an environment where our Learners can build confidence, improve their physical and mental well-being and socialize with their peers through the medium of sports and sports-related play.



We take great pride in our tailor-made courses that are designed with our Learners in mind to ensure that no one is left out.

Our Founders firmly believe that our Learners deserve an environment that enables them to develop their aptitude and confidence through physical activity.

Our goal is to ensure that every Learner is on an equal playing field and is able to approach their personal challenges with safety and support. Our coaches, or “Guides”, are dedicated to ensuring that each Learner finds a healthy balance between fun and challenge when joining a Simply Sports class. Click below to learn more about our background and aspirations.

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We take great pride in our tailor-made courses that are designed with our Learners in mind to ensure that no one is left out.





純•運動的首要任務是為了保證每個學員都能找到適合他們自己能力的挑戰水平。我們的小組課程有 4 個大類,使我們能夠更好地了解學員的個人挑戰, 動機及興趣範圍。
我們明白到挑選合適課程的難處, 若有任何疑問,請隨時與我們聯繫以討論您的獨特案例。


